六本木ヒルズ10周年記念グローバルカンファレンス『Innovative City Forum』

2013年10月16日(水)~10月18日(金) 会場:アカデミーヒルズ49(六本木ヒルズ49階)

「世界の都市と生活の未来をデザインする」(Design the future for global cities and life)





そこで「都市とライフスタイルの新しいデザイン」いう課題を踏まえ、先端技術、創造産業、都市政策の3つの分野から世界を代表するオピニオンリーダーを迎えてInnovative City Forumを開催いたします。独自の洞察による講演と、専門領域を超えた3日間にわたる議論を通して、これからの人間社会の可能性を探りたいとおもいます。


Innovative City Forum プログラムコミッティ


ICF(Innovative City Forum)六本木ヒルズ10周年記念グローバルカンファレンス 会場の様子(イメージ)

Designing the future for global cities and lifestyles
The world today is confronted with a variety of challenges that brings an element of uncertainty to the future of our society. Against this backdrop, 60% of the global population is expected to live in urban areas within 20 years. The urgent issue facing all of us is how we should design cities and the life of people living there.

We have recently seen unprecedented development and innovation in infrastructure technologies supporting communications, transportation, environment, and energy. This suggests that we need to rework and transform this sort of urban infrastructure from a new perspective. In addition, quality of life and ambience are now defined based on comprehensive lifestyle, making the underlying creative industries such as art and design more important than ever. Creative industries will leverage their flexible mindset to bring along technological innovations, revisit conventional systems, methods, ways of thinking, and renew our life in many ways.

Based on the challenge of "Design the future for global cities and life," we invite global opinion leaders from three industries (i.e. leading-edge technology, creative, and urban policy industries) to hold the Innovative City Forum. We will explore what possibilities are presented by the future human society through lectures based on unique insights and 3-day interdisciplinary discussions.

There is no better time than now to design our future!

Innovative City Forum Program Committee
Heizo Takenaka, Hiroo Ichikawa, Fumio Nanjo, Joichi Ito